About Nuisance Wildlife Removal & Control Specialists
Are you aware that human overpopulation is the biggest threat to wildlife animals worldwide? It is mainly due to how people abuse, kill or displace these animals. Between 1970-2010 the number of wildlife species decreased by 52%.
So, when a residential or commercial property owner is experiencing wildlife problems, contacting nuisance wildlife control specialists is vital to handle the situation safely and humanely.
Do you have a wildlife issue? Is your property within the New Jersey counties of Morris, Bergen, Essex, Warren, Passaic, Union, Hunterdon, and Sussex? If so, the company to hire as your nuisance wildlife removal & control specialist is NJ Pest Control.
Why Do I Need Nuisance Wildlife Removal & Control Specialists
Wildlife outside or within your home and business can be a big nuisance, contribute to structural damage and put people and pets at a health risk. For example, in areas such as attics, squirrels, raccoons, bats and others can destroy insulation, chew wires, drop guano, feces and urine as they build their nests and make your attic their home.
In addition, several zoonotic diseases can be spread through touch and inhalation from wildlife animals to people. Bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi cause the infections. Some may cause mild illness, but others can be severe and life-threatening.
Leptospirosis is the most common worldwide, affecting farmers and veterinarians. But rabies can be deadly, with approximately 40,000 exposures reported in the US yearly. Rabies is caused by a virus, typically spread by a bite from an infected animal, as it affects the nervous system of mammals. It can be fatal if not treated immediately.
Did you know that children under five, adults over sixty-five, pregnant women and immunocompromised persons are at a higher risk for zoonotic diseases? In addition, young pets carry a higher risk of zoonotic disease transmission than older pets.
So, is contacting Nuisance Wildlife Removal & Control Specialists vital for your nuisance wildlife animal and pest problem?
Nuisance Wildlife Animals We Remove (but are not limited to)
Things You Must Not Do
First and foremost, you should avoid attempting to catch and trap the animal alone. Professional nuisance wildlife removal specialists use specific techniques to catch and release wildlife animals into another safe environment. Remember, if the animal feels threatened, it will attack.
If you find yourself face to face with a wild animal, remove yourself, family members, and pets from the area. Move slowly and quietly so as not to alarm the animal.
After you remove yourself from the area, contact nuisance wildlife specialists to remove the animal safely.
Nuisance Wildlife Removal & Control Specialists in NJ
NJ Pest Control serving the New Jersey counties mentioned above, Morris, Essex, Bergen, Warren, Union, Passaic, Hunterdon, and Sussex, has the expertise to remove wildlife animals safely and humanely. Never attempt on your own, and contact us right away.