Ending a wildlife situation is our primary goal. Is a Raccoon in your chimney the problem or is it just the symptom of another issue?
As experts in wildlife removal and control, we have in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in solving complex and involved pest control or management situations. We are known as a reliable and cost-effective team committed to continuing education, use of up-to-date technology, and on-going research of new products and techniques.
The Experts In Humane Wildlife Control
Nuisance wildlife management is the term given to the process of selective removal of problem individuals or populations of specific species of wildlife. Other terms for the field include wildlife damage management, wildlife control, and animal damage control to name a few. Some species of wildlife may become habituated to man’s presence, causing property damage or risking transfer of disease to humans or pets (zoonosis). Many wildlife species coexist with humans very successfully, such as commensal rodents which have become more or less dependent on humans.
Wildlife traditionally refers to animals that have not been domesticated or tamed and live in their natural environment. Unfortunately, wildlife can gain entry into our homes, creating not only an emotional response but also a physical change to the structure. In the basic sense, wildlife can use our homes just as they would a hollow tree for shelter. They may then find additional resources such as food and a safe haven during the birthing season. Understanding wildlife is key to ensuring your home’s safety should entry occur.
NJ Pest Control has a team of nationally certified wildlife control professionals that are experts in dealing with wildlife. We have 2 of the 3 New Jersey Certified Wildlife Control Professionals (CWCP) on staff. This designation is the highest credential available in the wildlife control industry and requires extensive training and education to achieve. We are a full-service nuisance wildlife control company offering advanced and cutting-edge solutions to your specific wildlife situation.
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Our Methods & Process Matters
Our Four Point Process
NJ Pest follows a four point process approved by the National Wildlife Control Operator Association (NWCOA) which is…
The first step is identifying the problem through the wildlife consultation. Our wildlife consultations are second to none! We evaluate and inspect your entire home, identifying current and potential entry points. We look at your home in its entirety, not just the area where the entry point or compromise has happened. Our consultation process inspects over 30 potential entry points.

After identifying the target invader, we use various trapping techniques to capture the offending animal and not all the animals in the neighborhood.
Ensures that all offending nuisance wildlife is removed from the structure. A wildlife movement indicator is installed is make sure that the animals have been evicted.
Is the final step in our process. We seal up, wildlife-proof or exclude your home to prevent any future wildlife entry for years
If so, call your local animal control, health department, police department or NJ Pest.
Bats are vital to our natural ecosystem. They are insectivorous and are the principal or exclusive pollinators for many plants. Others aid in the dispersing of seeds. Despite their many benefits, bats can carry rabies and histoplasmosis, a respiratory infection caused by bat guano or droppings. At NJ Pest Control, we understand and appreciate the delicate balance in protecting bats and protecting our customers and their homes.
Seven different species of bats either live or pass through NJ at some point during the year. It is essential to know these different bats’ behavior and habits as they are protected under the NJ Endangered and Nongame Species Conservation Act. The wildlife professionals at NJ Pest Control have the experience and knowledge to deal with all of the bat species. We have both of NJ’s Nationally Certified Structural Bat Management Professionals on staff. This designation is achieved after the extensive demonstration and testing of in-depth knowledge in bat biology, behavior, identification, rabies and other health hazards, and white-nose syndrome.