Why Are There So Many Ants This Year?

There Are So Many Ants This Year, See Why

According to a Consumer Affairs survey, homeowners are very concerned about ants. They should be. Ants may seem like a persistent yet harmless nuisance.

But species such as carpenter ants can bite through the wood in your home. They can even cause as much damage as termites. If left untreated, your home’s framing can become warped, and your supports can weaken. Crazy ants, fire ants, and other species can invade outdoor electrical housing boxes.

Unfortunately, experts believe ants will be even more prevalent this year. You might already be experiencing this. Have you been asking yourself, “Why are ants so bad this year?”. Or you may have been wondering, “Why am I seeing ants in my house?”. 

Read on to find out why there are suddenly so many ants in your home.

Why Are There So Many Ants This Year?, Carpenter Ants

Why Are Ants So Bad This Year?

There can be many reasons you’re seeing so many ants and finding them in your home this year. However, a few might surprise you.

Cold and Wet Weather 

Last September, New Jersey experienced the effects of the remnants of Hurricane Ida. It was the state’s most significant weather event last year. Yet, it didn’t mark the end of the wet weather with rain and wet snow in December.

Wet weather can be a double-edged sword when it comes to ant infestations. Wet winters force ants to seek higher, drier habitats. But, unfortunately, their best alternative is usually your home.

But, ants also thrive with the right level of moisture. So, you may find them in your basement, bathroom, porch, or kitchen. These rooms usually have higher moisture levels.

Yard Debris

Factors other than moisture can draw these stubborn pests to your home. For example, you could be inviting them in if you don’t keep your yard clean. Leaves, garbage, and other debris lying around make excellent nesting sites for ants. Remnants from leftover barbecues can also be a feast for them.

Your Landscape

Your meticulously kept landscaping may be beautiful and enhance your curb appeal. But if it’s touching your home, it may be an entry point for ants. Trees and shrubs against your home allow ants to crawl from the soil and into your home. 

What to Do If You Have Ants in Your Home

Ants can be quite challenging to eliminate due to their persistent nature. Their nesting ground is often in cracks that aren’t easily accessible.

There may be many home remedies you can try. But without knowing the source of your problem, these DIY solutions may not get to the root of the problem.

These ant pests may be causing extensive damage while you try to figure out how to get rid of them. It’s best to call an expert to identify the source of your problem. They can create a plan to remove and control them.

Why Are There So Many Ants This Year?

How to Prevent These Stubborn Pest from Entering Your Home

The best way to avoid an annoying ant infestation is by preventing it. The following things can help:

  • Try eliminating sources of moisture
  • Keep your yard clean and get rid of the garbage
  • Keep landscaping from the walls of your home
  • Seal any cracks in your home

Of course, ensuring ants don’t have a reason to enter your home is one significant way to prevent them. Don’t leave food lying around, and regularly wipe your countertops and other surfaces.

Never Ask “Why Am I Seeing Ants in My House?” Again

One way to ensure this utterance never comes from your mouth is by preventing ants in the first place. However, everyone has weak moments. So if you’re wondering why are there suddenly so many ants, think about this:

Were you too tired to wash the dishes in the sink after a long day? Or do you sometimes leave a dirty barbecue grill and utensils after entertaining? Unfortunately, these simple oversights can be an invitation to ants.

If you’re one of the homeowners asking, “Why are ants so bad this year?” Don’t despair. There’s a QualityPro® Certified company in your area!

NJ Pest Control has provided environmentally friendly pest control for the past 20 years. So you never have to ask, “Why Am I seeing Ants in My House?” again! Contact us for an estimate today!