How Long is Tick Season in NJ

Tick Season in NJ

If you live in New Jersey and the surrounding areas, it’s important to know how to protect yourself against ticks. The winters can be wet in the state and spring is sometimes very humid, as well. This, combined with lots of compacted vegetation in wooded areas, provides an ideal environment for ticks. Here are some things you should know to keep these pests from infiltrating your property.

When Does Tick Season Start in NJ?

Ticks will likely start showing up at the end of spring and the beginning to mid-summer. During May, June, and July, ticks can be at their worst in your area. When ticks are at their worst, they not only affect humans but your pets as well. Bites may be unnoticeable so it is important to be aware of any symptoms, which can appear days and weeks later.  Since ticks carry diseases and put both family and pets at risk It’s extremely important to call a pest control company to free your property of ticks.

When Does Tick Season End in NJ?

Tick season usually ends once the weather starts to get cooler at the end of summer. However, it is still possible to find ticks during the fall and winter if you live in an area with lots of trees and shrubs. The abundance of plants makes an ideal environment for moisture and ticks.

Avoiding Tick Bites

Ticks in NJ can be dangerous, but there are several things you can do to prevent being bitten or to treat a tick bite. The deer tick is common in New Jersey,. These ticks are known for carrying Lyme Disease. They live in very bushy or woody areas and are found often in hardwood forests. In addition to Lyme Disease, these ticks also carry babesiosis and anaplasmosis. Deer tick bites are most common in the summer. This is when the ticks are in the nymph stage and looking for something to feed on. However, there is still a risk at the beginning of spring and the fall, because the adult ticks are active in these seasons.

To reduce the chances of tick bites, double check the areas where ticks gather and steer clear of them if possible until you can make an appointment with a pest control company. If you’re in a place where you’ve seen deer ticks before, walk in the middle of the trail so that you’ll be further from bushes and grass where ticks hide out. It’s also a good idea to wear pastel or light-colored clothing so that if a tick flies on you, it will be visible. Tucking your shirt into your skirt or pants or tucking your socks into your boots can also create a barrier between your skin and the ticks.

If you notice possible signs of Lyme Disease such as a rash, fatigue, migraines, a stiff neck, chills or fever, contact your doctor. Contact NJ Pest Control to make an appointment with one of our professional exterminators to take care of your tick problem safely and efficiently.