How To Prevent Mice From Chewing Wires

Prevent Mice From Chewing Wires

You would be surprised to know that some people think rodents are cute. These people most likely haven’t had their wires chewed in their hidden walls. That’s not cute—it’s a nuisance and can be costly to fix and repair.

Spotting mice and knowing that they are chewing your wires can be difficult, but the good news is, there are preventative measures you can take.

Mouse proof electrical wiring is one way keep mice at bay. Read on to find out more about a solution.

How to Tell If Mice Are Chewing On Wires

Rodents enjoy dark, cozy places. This makes it difficult to spot them, let alone discover if they are chewing wires. Unfortunately, most of the wiring in your home is hidden behind the walls, where there are plenty of dark and cozy hiding spots.

However, there are a few things to look out for which might signify the presence of mice. First, look out for mice droppings. Their fecal matter is tiny, black, and hard, and there will be plenty of it. Most often, they can even be found in silverware and pots and pans drawers.

If you see mice droppings and you suspect mice have made your home their home, contact a professional pest control company right away. They can be chewing your wires behind the scenes.

How To Prevent Mice From Chewing Wires

Preventative Measures

If you don’t currently have a mouse problem, that’s great but it may still be beneficial to take preventative measures in case of a future infestation. So how do you keep mice from chewing wires?

Mouse Proof Electrical Wiring

A great way to protect your wires in the event of a mouse infestation is to prevent the mice from even getting to the wires. There are wire casings made from special materials that are resistant to chewing, biting, and scratching. 

The wiring could also be stored within plastic, metal, or concrete casings so that mice can’t get to them even if they are able to get behind walls. This is beneficial, as it can be hard to know how to find chewed wires. 

Sonic Deterrents

The traditional method of setting mouse traps may work in terms of eliminating mice one at a time, but it doesn’t necessarily prevent more mice from coming in the future.

Devices exist which can usually plug straight into a socket—these devices emit an ultrasonic sound that humans can’t hear. For the mice, however, these sounds are made to be bothersome to rodents with the hope of keeping them away. However, the findings as to how good these sonic deterrents are is highly questionable.


If you’re looking for a quick, cheap mouse repellent, then mothballs are a great option. While not the best choice if you have kids due to the chemicals used, they can certainly keep rodents at bay. 

Make sure the mothballs you purchase are legal. The mothballs containing naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene are banned due to the chemicals’ toxic nature.

Peace of Mind

With the advice in this article, you should be at a starting point if you have a mouse problem by putting measures in place to make sure they go away and stay away.

Mice are certainly a nuisance pest. Get peace of mind and have one less thing to think about—who doesn’t want that?

Contact NJ Pest Control today to take care of all of your pest problems. We handle all types of rodents, mammals, birds, bats, and more. Check out the services we offer and get in touch today.