Why & When To Call An Exterminator For Mice

Mice can be a severe pest problem for homeowners, and when dealing with mice in your home, perhaps an infestation, knowing when to call an exterminator for mice can be challenging. Some homeowners may attempt to take care of the problem themselves, while others may hesitate to contact a professional until the infestation has gotten out of control.

This blog post will explore the signs and why and when to call an exterminator for mice.

First and foremost, let us explore the signs of a mouse infestation. 

Signs of a Mouse Infestation

Here are a few signs to look out for:


Mouse droppings are small, black pellets typically found in areas where mice have been active, such as in cupboards, drawers, and along baseboards.

Gnaw marks

Mice constantly need to gnaw to keep their teeth sharp, so look for bite marks on wood, plastic, and other materials.

Scratching noises

Mice are most active at night and can be heard scratching and scurrying in walls, ceilings, and floors.


Mice build nests using shredded paper, fabric, and insulation. Look for nests in hidden areas, such as behind appliances, attics, and wall voids.

Damage to food packaging

Mice will chew through almost anything to get to the food, so look for chew marks on food packaging.

When to Call an Exterminator for Mice

Now that you know the signs of a mouse infestation, let’s discuss when to call an exterminator for mice.

The Problem Persists After DIY methods

If you have been attempting to get rid of mice using DIY techniques such as traps and baits, but the problem persists, it is time to call in an exterminator. A professional exterminator has the knowledge and experience to identify the root cause of the infestation and provide an effective solution.

You have a significant infestation

Mice reproduce quickly, and a small problem can soon become big. A professional exterminator can quickly and effectively get rid of the mice and prevent them from returning.

You have a phobia of mice

If you have a phobia of mice, dealing with an infestation on your own can be highly stressful and exacerbate your phobia. A professional exterminator can take care of the problem quickly and with minimal stress to you.

Children and Pets Live In The Home

If you have children or pets in your home, DIY methods such as traps and baits can be dangerous for children and pets, and they may accidentally come into contact with them.

Why &Amp; When To Call An Exterminator For Mice

Why Call an Exterminator for Mice?

There are several reasons why it is crucial to call in an exterminator for mice:

Mice carry diseases

Mice can carry several diseases that can be transmitted to humans, including salmonella, hantavirus, and leptospirosis. A professional exterminator can ensure that all mice and their droppings are removed from your home, reducing the risk of disease transmission.

Mice cause damage

Mice are notorious for causing damage to your home by chewing through wires, insulation, and other materials. This can lead to costly repairs if left unchecked. An exterminator can not only get rid of the mice but can also offer repair advice.

Mice can be difficult to get rid of

Mice are small and agile, which makes them difficult to catch or kill. They can also hide in small cracks and crevices that are hard to reach. While there are many DIY methods for getting rid of mice, they may not be effective in the long term. An exterminator has the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to eliminate mice and prevent them from returning.

Exterminators can identify the source of the problem

Mice are attracted to food, water, and shelter. An exterminator can help you identify the source of the problem and take steps to eliminate it. For example, they may recommend sealing cracks and crevices, removing clutter, and storing food in airtight containers. By addressing the source of the problem, you can prevent future infestations.

Exterminators use safe and effective methods

Some DIY methods for getting rid of mice can be dangerous or ineffective. For example, using poison can harm pets and children and may be ineffective in getting rid of all the mice. So instead, exterminators use safe and effective methods, such as traps and baits, to eliminate mice. They also have access to professional-grade safepesticides that are more effective than those available to consumers.

Exterminators can prevent future infestations

An exterminator can take steps to prevent future mouse infestations. For example, they may recommend sealing entry points and setting up traps and baits in strategic locations. They can also advise how to keep your home clean and free of clutter to reduce the likelihood of mice returning.

In conclusion, knowing when to call an exterminator for mice is crucial to safely and effectively eliminate these pests. Exterminators have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to identify the source of the problem, get rid of mice, and prevent future infestations. So, if you have a mouse infestation in your home, don’t hesitate to call a professional exterminator. NJ Pest Control is the professional mouse exterminator you can trust. Contact us today.