You may have been hearing a lot about bed bugs lately. Bed bugs have become the new pest that everyone is worried about. It doesn’t matter how clean our houses are. Bed bugs manage to come into our houses from other places. They can hitch a ride on clothing and furniture and take up residence in our houses. Worst of all, bed bug bites are itchy. There is even a chance they might become infected.
How do you know if you have a bed bug bite? Here are some answers for you.
What Are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are very small reddish-brown insects. Adult bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed. Immature bed bugs are about the size of a poppy seed. They are difficult to spot because they like to live where people can’t find them. They hide where it’s dark and close to where you sleep. They crawl out to feed on your blood while you’re sleeping. If they’re in your house, you may find them between your mattress and box spring. You may also find them near your bed’s headboard or footboard, as well as in couch or chair cushions.
Unfortunately, you may never notice any signs of bed bugs. That is until you begin to notice bites on your body.
What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like? Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like Mosquito Bites?
Bed bug bites look a bit like mosquito bites, but there are some differences. You won’t know that a bed bug has bitten you until you have woken up. You might notice several bite marks. Unlike mosquito bites, bed bug bites often appear in a zigzag pattern. They will itch worse than a mosquito bite. You might also notice dots of blood on your bedding. Many people might ask, “How long does it take for bed bug bites to show up?” If this is the first time bed bugs have bitten you, your bites may not itch at all. Eventually, your body will begin to react to the bites. It may take a few days, however. The more times a bed bug bites you, the quicker the bites will show up. And, your reaction will be worse.
What Can Be Mistaken for Bed Bug Bites?
There are many insect bites that people can mistake for bed bug bites. Mosquito bites are the most common suspect. But lice bites can often look like bed bug bites. Flea bites, which are common in New Jersey during the summer months, can also look like bed bug bites. When some spiders bite a human, he or she usually develops a welt that looks like a bed bug bite. However, there are some differences. Bed bug bites occur in groups and in a zigzag pattern. Lice, flea, and spider bites do not. Also, a bed bug will bite you on an exposed area of your body while you’re sleeping. This can include your legs, arms, and/or torso.
Treatment for Bed Bug Bites
If you are unlucky enough to receive a bed bug bite, there are ways to treat it. First, you will need to wash the area with soap and water. This will take away the secretions from the bed bugs, which should reduce the itchiness. You may also want to take some antihistamines to reduce the itching. Topical corticosteroids can also reduce the swelling and the itchiness from bed bugs. If the itchiness and swelling get worse, you need to see your doctor. You may have an infected bite that will need medical treatment.
If you’re sick of worrying about bed bug bites every time you sleep, you might want to consider getting help.
While NJ Pest Control does not control and remove bed bugs we would be happy to help you with any other wildlife and pest control, removal and prevention services.
Contact NJ Pest Control today for any other pest control problems you may be having.
NJ Pest Control
1240 Sussex Turnpike, Randolph, NJ 07869
Randolph, NJ
877-4NJ-PEST (877-465-7378)