Pests a Residential NJ Pest Control Company Can Remove
First, if you live in New Jersey, you have nuisance pests and need affordable and efficient pest removal services; you must hire a reputable and dependable NJ pest control company. There are many residential pest control companies, and their pest control services can be quite different.
You must hire a company that manages a dedicated team of knowledgeable and experienced pest control employees. The quality of service must be impeccable, and their commitment to providing 100% customer satisfaction must be their priority. The specialist’s education and expertise must cover every phase of pest removal, control and management. They must be carefully selected and trained.
Each type of pest comes with a different action plan for the best removal and control. However, no matter what the plan is, the company’s goal must be to preserve the safety and a healthy environment through the proper application techniques.
Now that you know what to look for in an NJ pest control company, we would like to share the pests that NJ Pest Control removes in homes. If you do not see your pest issue listed below, do not get discouraged; click here to get help.
Pests Included In Residential Pest Control
To start, we have those occasional invader pests, you know, the nuisance ones that appear out of nowhere.
Occasional Invaders
- Box Elder Bugs invade homes, garages and sheds in the fall and emerge in the spring.
- Earwigs move indoors, seeking shelter when there are extended dry weather periods. At times, they merely move on in when there are open doors to find cool and damp areas. Where there is water, such as laundry rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens, they can be found. Infestations are uncommon.
- Fleas are tiny insects that survive by feeding on animals or human blood. Fleas can infect people and pets when they transmit germs that cause disease as they feed on hosts or through fecal contamination.
- Indian Meal Moths infest pantries. Their larvae feed on cereals, nuts, and flour as they hatch. Humidity helps them multiply quicker as infestations grow.
- Mosquitos thrive on water. Some live near humans in ponds and containers, while others prefer tall grasses, marshes, swamps, and forests. Any place that holds water, mosquitos can be found from clean to nutrient-rich waters.
- Stink bugs are found in homes during the late summer and fall when the outside temperature drops. An infestation can happen quickly on the sunny side of a house due to the warmth.
- Ticks vary in types, with the most common being the black-legged tick, lone star tick and the dog tick, all of which bite. In the Northeast, the most significant bite risk of the black-legged tick is in the spring, summer, and fall. The same applies to the lone star tick, but this tick is more common in the south. The risk of being bitten by dog ticks is generally during the spring and summer. The black-legged tick transmits Lymes disease.
- Mice are common to find in homes. They eat cereal, seeds, nuts, fruits and insects by nature; however, they will eat all types of food. So, where there is food, they can be found. If you see one, chances are there are more.
- Rats are carriers of diseases and are known to spread as many as forty. Norway and black rats inhabit cities worldwide. As rats pose a risk to public health, contaminate food sources, they damage urban infrastructures by burrowing and chewing.
Stinging Insects
- Honey bees produce honey and are excellent pollinators for fruits, vegetables and flowers. The plants can grow seeds and fruit as honey bees transfer pollen between the male and female parts. A honey bee will sting when threatened and will die after.
- Hornets build paper nests in the branches of trees and shrubs, in nooks on outdoor siding, underneath eaves and hard-to-reach soffits in the late spring. These are their ideal spots. When they feel a threat to their nest, they can become aggressive and deliver a painful sting.
- Yellowjackets/ Wasps are attracted to food, and where there is garbage, they can be found. They like sweets and meats. Yellowjackets are the most aggressive stinging insect and will vigorously defend their nest. After they sting once, they can still sting again and multiple times.
Wood Destroying Insects
- Carpenter Ants thrive in moist hollow wood such as rotting trees, roots, stumps and logs. However, they can also be found indoors with moisture and decaying wood.
- Carpenter Bees are typically not aggressive; however, as they drill, they can be destructive and potentially damage your home’s structure and others on the property. They do not bite. The female may sting but only if directly handled.
- Powderpost Beetles are not dangerous and are not a threat to people. However, they do like wood so that it can cause damage to your home’s structure and others on the property.
- Termites do not pose a risk to humans; however, they can cause severe damage to structures and properties. Therefore, seeing termites should not be taken lightly. Contact a pest removal company to get rid of them quickly and hire a landscape company to remove and clean up rotting wood outside.
- Cockroaches are a common pest problem. Due to their stubborn nature, an infestation is hard to get rid of. They breed quickly and find a hots of areas to hide. If you see one, do not ignore it. They can taint food with Salmonella bacteria and E. coli. Their feces can trigger asthma and allergies.
If you are looking for wildlife removal, click here.
Stop Your NJ Pest Problem Now!
At NJ Pest Control, we are a company that is committed to excellence in all phases of pest control, removal and management. So, if you own a home and have a pest problem we can be at your doorstep immediately to solve your pest problem.
Contact NJ Pest Control for affordable, reliable and effective pest control services. Get rid of the pests now.