We love property managers. Do you know why? They have some of the best stories out there. One of our property manager clients told us about a bathroom toilet overflowing. Why? A tenant decided to stuff his artificial Christmas tree down there. He was too lazy to recycle it!
While not all the stories of property managers are as interesting as that one, property managers lead interesting lives. There is never a dull moment. Property managers have all sorts of worries, for both residential and commercial buildings. If you are a property manager, you want to protect the residents and the property. You need someone who knows both pest control and wildlife control. Here is some information about pest control and pest management for property managers.
Pest Control for Commercial Buildings and Tenant Properties
If you are a property manager, you know how hard it can be to manage pests in a commercial building. That’s because it’s difficult to keep pests out of large commercial properties. Insects can fly or crawl into open doors, windows, and loading bays or docks. Residents and employees can also unknowingly carry them in. Rodents, such as rats and mice, can crawl into spaces the size of a dime.
Once pests are inside, they have everything they need. They have food and water. They have a safe place to stay that’s away from predators. They also have nesting material. Depending on where your commercial or residential property is, you have to deal with all sorts of pests. In New Jersey, property managers have to handle bats, rats, mice, roaches, and flies — just to name a few.
Commercial Pest Management
Pest control for commercial buildings entails several steps. First, a pest control company will come and look at the property. Pest control companies look at areas within a commercial or residential property to view threats to the building. For example, a pest control professional will be able to spot cracks in between your doorframe and the wall. When he or she seals the crack, it prevents rodents from getting in.
Also, corporate pest control service companies look at the property by examining the outside of the building. That way, they can identify places your property management team could secure easily and keep pests out. For example, your dumpster may be sitting too long without being emptied. It may be attracting rodents, flies, and other pests. Arrange for your waste removal company to pick up the trash more often. That way, there is less of a chance that it will attract any pests.
Prevention Rather than Reaction
The best commercial pest control companies succeed because they prevent pests from getting into your building. This is far better than reacting to pest problems once they have already made a new home on your property. If you can prevent pests from getting onto your property, you have made some big strides in managing pests.
You are a new property manager and have just taken over managing commercial properties. You know there are going to be issues with one of your properties. It’s a warehouse that backs up onto acres of woodland. How should you even begin?
You can begin by giving NJ Pest Control a call and setting up an appointment. We can identify potential problems. We can, then, begin to control entrance points to the building and check for existing problems. We can come up with a pest management plan to ensure your properties are pest-free. We can also continue to evaluate if the plan is effective. If this is pest control you’re looking for on your commercial and residential properties, give us a call. Let us help you start protecting your property today.
Pest Control and Pest Management for Property Managers
Contact NJ Pest Control
Randolph, NJ
Morris County