Is There Spring Wildlife Living in Your Home?

Is there spring wildlife living in your home?

So, you have returned home and found an unwanted resident. We are not talking about your cousin who talks too much and eats all the contents of the refrigerator. We are talking about animals that come out in spring and move in like unwanted house guests, moving about late at night or surprising you when you stumble into the kitchen for your first cup of coffee in the morning.

We are poking fun at this issue, in a way, but having wild animals indoors is no laughing matter. In fact, it can be deadly.


Wild Animals in The House

Those annoying creatures that find their way into your house can sting, bite, scratch, and yes, even kill. Consider the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. They are not known to be aggressive, but when riled up, watch out. Uncoiled, they can be up to 7 feet long. And, if that is not enough to scare you, consider they are the most venomous snake in the United States. Bites cause swelling, bleeding, and low blood pressure to the point where the victim may have a heart attack. To avoid these snakes, be careful cleaning out the garage or basement. They tend to escape the heat and like crooks, crannies, and cool concrete. But, how to tell what kind of animal is in my attic?

The black widow spider is an infamous pest. They do not look very intimidating because they are less than 1/3-inch long. But beware! They have a bite that can be deadly and causes nausea, breathing problems, cramps, and possible paralysis. Black widows tend to spin their webs in dark places and in corners. Vacuuming is the best way to rid yourself of the spiders and nest. Just be sure to wear gloves! And, remember, the female or widow is the deadly spider, identified by a red/orange hourglass mark on its abdomen.


An Animal in the Wall of the House at Night

Hearing scratching noises coming from the walls? It may not just be your imagination. Mice love to hide between walls and can sometimes be seen scurrying through holes in the baseboards. This may seem somewhat common. I mean, a lot of people have mice. So, what?

In modern times, infestations with mice can be a real health hazard because many of them are infected with hantavirus. The virus is excreted in their waste and then, spores are inhaled. Once infected, you would experience flu-like symptoms that could lead to pulmonary edema or the lungs filling with fluid. One in every three persons affected by the hantavirus will die.

This means it is vital to get rid of mice. Short of getting a cat, you can get these mice before the hantavirus gets you by sealing up cracks wider than 1/4 inch in walls and around windows. If you encounter waste from a mouse, thoroughly disinfect the area with a bleach and water solution and be sure to wear a mask while cleaning.


Are Animals Burrowed Under Your Home?

You may also encounter an animal burrowing under the house. Many animals do this, including mice, rats, raccoons, opossums, skunks, and chipmunks. Of course, many raccoons can carry rabies, so it is extremely important to rectify the problem as soon as it becomes apparent.

Some animals burrow and others fly. Bats are becoming an increasing problem because they are not as wary of people as other species of animal and may also carry rabies. Sometimes, getting rid of these critters for good does require a professional. Sealing up cracks and holes will help but be thorough since bats can fit through a hole the size of a matchbook. Beware!


Are you concerned there might be spring wildlife living in your home? Try not to get rid of these wildlife animals all by yourself.

Contact NJ Pest Control to help with your spring wildlife problems. We are professionals in wildlife pest control in the NJ area. We provide environmentally friendly pest control services. Let us start controlling your spring wildlife house problems now.