7 Tips To Protect Your Car From Rodents Chewing Wires

It’s that time of the year when it’s time to kick out those fuzzy coats and hot cocoa. While we’re getting ready for the holidays, rodents like mice and squirrels are looking for somewhere warm to burrow. You can’t blame them; they’re animals trying to survive!

Unfortunately, cars are a great candidate for nesting places, and a single rodent could cause significant damage. Without proper car protection, you risk rats getting into your wiring insulation. That’s why we’ve compiled seven tips to keep rodents out of your car when you put it in storage for the winter.

Read on to learn how to protect car wiring from rodents.

1. Keep Your Parking Sealed and Tidy

Droppings and chewed-up food packaging are telltale signs of rodents in your garage. Keeping your surroundings clean is the best way to prevent a rat infestation. That means it’s time to get in your car storage area and make sure you clear up any litter.

This is an excellent time to throw away clutter like unattended boxes and newspapers. Place trash cans outside instead of storing them in your garage.

It also helps to seal your garage to prevent any rodents from making their way inside. Look for small holes and plug them with aluminum flashing, metal sheets, or a steel mesh.

It’s best to park your car indoors, but if you can’t, try not to park close to grassy areas. You may opt for a car protection cover that completely encloses your car while in storage.

2. Clean Your Car

Keeping your car clean will help you prevent attracting rodents. Don’t let food wrappers and garbage accumulate in your vehicle. Remove any food remnants like candy wrappers or fast-food packaging.

Use a vacuum to clear your car of any food debris that may have fallen to the floor. Don’t forget to get the area beneath and between your car seats.

It may help to impose a strict “no food in the car” rule if you have kids. You may also get car seat protection covers instead for easier cleaning.

If you like to store dog or cat food in your car’s trunk, moving it to a sealed container is in your best interest. A parked vehicle is the perfect nesting spot when there’s food accessible in the area.

3. Clear the Engine

If you notice any signs of a rodent infestation, it’s best to check your engine compartment. Your car’s engine is dark and warm, making it the ideal nesting place for rodents. Move your vehicle outside or to a well-ventilated area and open the hood to let it air out.

You may also open the trunk and car doors. If you notice signs of nesting, clean it up with a vacuum or broom. Don’t forget to wear a long-sleeved shirt, plastic gloves, and a medical-grade mask. While a high-pressure sprayer can make the job faster, it’s best not to use it as it can create harmful aerosols.

Remove battery cables first to prevent accidentally electrocuting yourself. Use a disinfectant on the contaminated areas. While you’re at it, check your car’s air filters and ducts.

4. Use Rodent-Repelling Scents

Rodents have a strong sense of smell, and some scents can irritate their noses. The best part is, you can find many of these things in your house! If you have Irish spring soap in your home, rub the bar around the surfaces of your car’s components.

You may also cut a bar into cubes, drill holes and wrap them with a wire. Tie this soap string under the hood. Make sure to put it in a location that doesn’t get hot, so the soap doesn’t melt.

You can also do the same with peppermint oil for wiring protection, but remember that you may have to reapply it every few days. Peppermint oil can keep your car fragrant while also repelling rodents. Cedar shavings can also scare away rodents from nesting in your car or garage.

Laundry dryer sheets are often used as mosquito repellents, but you can use them for rodents, too! You can place them under the hood of your car.
You can also sprinkle some cayenne pepper on your car’s tires. This type of pepper is popular with many rat-repellent products.

7 Tips To Protect Your Car From Rodents Chewing Car Wiring

5. Don’t Leave Your Car Unattended

Rodents love to nest in unused and unattended vehicles. If you leave your car alone for too long, you can give rodents enough time to get comfortable.
Even if you’re putting your car in storage for the winter, running it every few days is a good idea.

Starting your car and letting the engine run can scare rodents away, letting them know your car is dangerous and loud.

6. Use Electronic Gadgets

You can find plenty of electronic gadgets that deter rodents away from nesting in your home or car. Some devices emit ultrasonic sound waves that only rodents can hear. This sound is inaudible to humans, so you don’t have to worry about the sound bothering you.

You can also find strobe lights that can scare away rodents. Many of these gadgets are motion-sensitive, so they’ll only activate if they detect rodents.

7. Call a Pest Control Company

Store-bought poisons for pests can be tricky and scary if you have beloved pets like dogs or cats. Using rat poison and other types of chemicals is not recommended as it can harm or own pets; dead rats can also leave behind a foul odor that you must clean up.

Call a pest control company if you want a permanent solution to your rodent problem. These companies have effective and humane methods for removing rodents in and outside your home and commercial building. They know how to keep rats out of car wiring and protect your car from wire-gnawing squirrels and keep it that way, so you never have to worry about rodents again.

Car Protection: How to Protect Your Car From Wire-Gnawing Squirrels and Rats

When winterizing your car, take the proper steps to protect it from rodents looking for shelter. Use these car protection tips to prevent rodents from destroying your wiring.

Are you struggling with a rodent infestation? We got you covered. Contact NJ Pest Control today to schedule an inspection for your New Jersey home, commercial or industrial property.